Sunday 20 December 2015

House Work

I'll admit I'm not the best housekeeper. I have good intentions but...some creative effort always gets in the way.

I try to make Mondays a 'for sure' house work day. That is mainly because I start the day by putting the garbage out, and it just makes sense to continue the cleanup.

Good intentions, right? It's time to think about New Year's Resolutions, and again, housework will be on my list.

I'm a great one for what I call Make Work Projects. Like last week, when I had a couple of the grandkids here. I printed off some coloring pages, then printed off more for them to color as a gift to their parents. Then it was how we could use those pages and next thing I know, I'm going to the dollar store and back home to spend the rest of the day, finalizing 'their' gift. Like I said, make work.

So when I saw this handy household hint, I had to share. Like I don't have enough work to do, now I'm supposed to wash my crochet hooks?

Sticky hooks will have to wait, if I don't soon get the laundry done I'll be in tough times. Prioritizing, that's the key.

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