Wednesday 10 May 2017

90 Years Young

My friend and neighbor celebrated her 90th birthday yesterday. She is, (I hate this description but it does fit), spry and very active.

She can walk a great distance, and does since she gave up driving. She also plays euchre at least three times a week and participates in a diner's club and the meals at the church. We all know how tedious it can be to cook for one. Leftovers last far too long.

I was having coffee with her yesterday when she had a delivery of flowers from her sister, and could see the cards on display on the table. But I had to wonder where any one of her four children were, given their ages and retired status. They may not live in town, and okay, one does live in Quebec and is dealing with the floods, but if it were me, I'd be hurt by their absence.

I couldn't stand the thought of her eating Sunday's leftovers for her birthday dinner, so suggested we go out. She did have a check from the one daughter. I told her the restaurant was her choice.

We go out to Swiss Chalet occasionally, but I knew where she'd want to go, but wouldn't ask...the Chinese buffet in the neighboring town. It's only about fifteen Km away, but I doesn't like to impose. When I suggested Chinese, her face lit up and I knew it was the right choice.

We took the long route and checked out the beach and the river, and saw the water lapping over the dock, the beaches underwater. These little tours are fun, as it gives her a view of town not seen from the bus.

We had a nice meal, and later in the week I'll take her for her free sundae at Dairy Queen.

Situations like this make me very thankful for my family. My children live nearby, and though I don't see them daily, I know they are there for me. My brother lives in the city, so it's a good drive to visit, and we used to do a half way meet and greet. When I wasn't up to the drive, he came to me, same as he did when I needed a drive to an out of town doctor's appointment.

I may never reach my 90th birthday, but I know if I did, there'd be one hell of a celebration. I just hope I gave my neighbor a bit of that feeling, because 90 is a milestone, and should be acknowledged.

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