Monday 15 January 2018

Good Intentions...Waylaid

I can't say that I've been that busy over the last few weeks, but I've been home, trying to get some things sorted out. Spring cleaning in the deep freeze of winter, to be exact.

The funny thing is that I'm doing all this sorting and cleaning before my new housekeeper starts. Crazy, I know.

I had a week when Velma was visiting some family, Velma being my van of course. So I was without wheels, and decided to dive in with some long needed projects. Well, that was the plan at least.

I sorted through clothes, and finally threw out the old black T-shirt covered in paint. Which led me to pulling out a canvas and beginning a new painting. It's still sitting on the table, as I make changes, then leave it so I can think about where I want to go with it.

This planning is why the mess of paints, brushes, mediums and papers cover the table and some of the kitchen counter.

I've been sorting through my file bin of papers, initially looking for photos of angel statues, thinking I might use them in my current art piece. But I got waylaid. This file contained all the patterns, notes and samples of previous projects.

Like the kids' calendar I was going to do with a story related through the twelve months. I completed some of the pen and ink artwork, some pencil sketches. The idea was to have it all in black and white to make it a coloring book calendar.

I found stencils made for a series of toddler T-shirts, ages 1 through 4. I have the stencils and patterns for murals painted on the grandchildren's bedroom walls.

I must have been into calendars because I once did twelve pen and ink wreaths, with calligraphy quotes.

I found the book I started in 1986, after my divorce. A book of poetry and prose about learning to be alone, a single Mom, beginning again.

Also found the book I started about the years before that divorce, when this city girl learned, often the hard way, how to live on the farm.

And I found two short stories I must have written long ago, printed copies with my friend Connie's edits. I don't think these stories exist anywhere but in these paper copies, so this was a good thing.

Found the angel photos, rejected that idea and moved on to plan B. I hope I can get it finished before my girl comes to clean, if not she'll have to work around it. The creative process can not be hurried.

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